Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Onion Cough Syrup

1 cup chopped raw onion. 

Cover with honey (about ½ cup)

Simmer on low heat (so your honey stays raw) until onions have dissolved into bits…this can take up to 20 minutes.  Cover the pot to lesson evaporation of nutrients.  This can be diluted.  You can strain it, but I usually don’t, because I am always for whatever is fastest.  They sink to the bottom and I don’t mind them when they come up.  You can take this as needed or up to once every half an hour in 1 tsp doses for children and 1 TBS for children 10 years and older.

You can easily add:

1 tsp clove (whole or powdered) for pain relief

1-2 TBS comfrey root or slippery elm (powdered or chopped) for additional lung support

1-2 TBS chopped fresh ginger root OR 1 tsp dried ginger root powder for better circulation, warmth and effectiveness of the syrup…as we go through the rest of the herbs you will be able to decipher what will be best for your own situation.  You can always add more than one herb, but you will want to make sure that you don’t use more than 2 TBS total of any combination.  This syrup is also a great tonic and can be taken daily

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting, Melanie. I'm printing this out and will show it to Jonathan. Perhaps this will help us the next time we all start coughing.
